Msd arc module

Drew, what do you mean zero file? Are you saying you want to leave it hooked up but want to disable it? If so Hook you computer up to the Grid with power on the car. Then open the 7761 when it recognizes it. then go to SETTINGs, then ARC Active at the bottom and select Disable.

Make sure that before you use the ARC you have the latest software on both the GRID and ARC. The version on the CD is not good enough. You need to hook up your laptop both to the internet and the GRID with power on then go then open MSDview and make sure it is talking to the GRID (Green BAR at the bottom of the page then go to HELP at the top of the page and Check for Upgrades. Normally for programming the GRID you don't need power on the car but with the ARC you need power on the car.
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Thanks Mike that's exactly what I want to do I updated software last year but I'm sure they have updated it again so I will make sure I have the latest version
Unless they have changed the s/w Selecting "Disable" does not bypass the ARC like you would assume. It prevents any DS RPM data input back to your data logger or ignition box etc. The only way to easily bypass the ARC without any issues is to create a "Zero" file which is easy to do where everything still works, but there will be no timing corrections. If the software has changed recently, I'm not aware of it as I've helped several people who ran into the same problem.

Drew, I sent you a file that should work fine just in case there have been no changes to the ARC software.
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That's interesting. I never had to use that function but I always assumed it would disable the ARC if I needed to do it. Thanks
