Alky pro or drag racing pro ?

Alky Pro is being used by a lot of the top racers over here in Australia now very user friendly and Greg Gower will give you the after sales service if you need it .
There is a free two week trial version available on the Alky Pro site try that and you will buy it . has just completed a new software tuning system specifically designed for “Big Show” Roots blown Pro Mod tuners.

And like our more general purpose JetArea software, it takes into account the air cooling effects provided by the evaporation of the methanol fuel upstream of the blower rotors to properly account for the actual inlet air density (all the details described in Chapter 15 of the MSA Weather Book).

A complete description and demo version of this brand new ProMod ProRx software service is now available - just send me an email to get a free copy. Thanks!

Patrick Hale
[email protected]
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