Jay Payne license suspended

Will Hanna

From NHRAracer.com:

"Review Panel Decision - Jay Payne Appeal
The Review Panel has reached a decision in the appeal filed by Jay Payne based on the statement of action issued for numerous on track incidents. In the original statement of action, Jay’s competition license in Top Alcohol Funny Car was placed on probation for one year and his Pro Mod license was placed on indefinite suspension.

The Review Panel has modified the original statement of action, Jay’s Pro Mod license will be suspended until May 1, 2017 and upon reinstatement into competition his license will be placed on indefinite probation. Jay’s Top Alcohol Funny Car license will be placed on indefinite probation. The decision is appealable, as outlined in section 1, pages 17-24 of the 2017 NHRA Rulebook."
I thought he said his shoulder was hurting and he needed Jonnie Lindberg to tune and drive for him. Lol, which one is the fake news? CNN has to be involved here somewhere.
The feeling I've gotten in the last few years of watching him drive is there is a sense of desperation in his actions. Win at all costs can be a very deadly mindset. Its a habit that is hard to rein in but must be done unless you want something terrible to happen. I remember when Medlen gave Force a big talking to not long after Eric's death about that very thing. I think taking a step back could really help him here.
