Chutes spinning

Jon Sandahl

New Member
McAmis V4 68 Camaro with air launchers. New chutes (I wont mention the brand) 1/4 mile pass they spin clockwise viewing from the back about 25 times. Several calls to manufacturer only to hear we are packing them wrong. We took 2 dirty old used chutes off another car, pack them the same way and they work perfect, as they did on a stock bodied Camaro. Has anyone else run into this? Thanks
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Not sure of what you are inferring but I got rid of my Stroud mechanical chute launchers due to several launch failures and also lack luster customer service. I've gone to White Safety air launchers and have had zero failures.
They are both rotating independently of each other, the cords are twisted up like a drill bit. Manufacturer asked for a video of how we pack them, we do it exactly like this
I've seen this problem before and it had to do with the shape of the chute. It was a "cross form" parachute which most of the time those are used for funny cars and dragsters going 200 - 300 mph. The design is not the best but they are cheaper to make. A better design for a door car is triangle or square. Not sure what you've got there but I could probably take a guess at the brand. You might also check to make sure the panels are the same size and the lines are the same length. One of those too short or different size and it will create an imbalance.

The other thing I'll mention which may or may not help but I don't zig zag my lines in the pack. Mine are loosely circled on top of each other.
We put Strouds on the car and they have been flawless, big difference on the G meter. Tested yesterday and Pete Farber asked if we had spare chutes, we gave him the spinners. After his pass we watched his guy spinning them to get the lines straight again. I sent an email to the manufacturer a month ago and another today. Maybe he will realize how dangerous his product is.
