rear end

  1. D

    Weld Double Bead Locks 16-16-5 on 5, Strange 9 Inch Pro Gears Gears

    Pair of Weld black double bead lock wheels, immaculate condition 16-16-5 on 5 center, $2,000 and a pair of top fuel centers 5 on 5 $600 plus the ride Have Strange 9 inch gear sets, 2 sets 4:29 big pinion Strange Pro gear set $200.00 plus the ride. 4:10 big pinion Strange Pro gear set $200.00...
  2. 1320metalman

    New Strange Floater Spindles-old style

    BRAND NEW , never used, Strange Engineering Floater Spindles, 8", New (Weld in Spindles, not the hubbs) Previous muti yr Strange Eng version that can no longer be purchased from Strang, for repair, or replacement, updates, when you own the hubbs for them & need spindles. NO longer will...